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California Pay Transparency, Equity, and Expanding Pay Reporting Requirements; SB 1162 and Labor Code Section 432.3

SB 1162 and Labor Code Section 432.3

California has been at the forefront of creating equal pay laws, working toward eliminating ethnic, racial, and gender disparities, and closing the gender wage gap. Recent legislation signed into law aims at bolstering pay equity and transparency laws. Pay equity…

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San Bernardino Riverside Inland Empire Wrongful Termination Attorney for Employment Disability Discrimination after a Work-Related Injury

Wrongful Termination Attorney for Employment Disability Discrimination after a Work-Related Injury

If you have been wrongfully terminated from your job in San Bernardino, Riverside, or the Inland Empire after a work-related injury, you may have a legal claim against your employer. The law protects employees from discrimination based on their disability,…

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How Can a San Bernardino Wrongful Termination Attorney Help?

SANFORD A. KASSEL, A Professional Law Corporation. Employment Law Attorneys. 909.884.6451

Wrongful termination can be a devastating experience for employees, leaving them feeling powerless and uncertain about their future. If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, it’s important to speak with a San Bernardino wrongful termination attorney who can help…

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What Does the Fifth Circuit’s Vaccine Mandate Decision Mean for Federal Employees

What Does the Fifth Circuit's Vaccine Mandate Decision Mean for Federal Employees

On Thursday, April 7th, 2022, a U.S. appeals court panel reinstated an executive order under President Joe Biden mandating Covid-19 vaccinations for all federal employees. The federal appeals court overturned a lower court’s nationwide respite, which had been in effect…

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Can I Sue For a “Hostile Work Environment” Harassment In California?

Can I Sue For a "Hostile Work Environment" Harassment In California?

California defines hostile work environments as those in which inappropriate behavior is prevalent or severe enough to produce a hostile work environment for one or more employees. According to the Fair Employment and Housing Act, this type of harassment, workplace…

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Notable Jury Trial Awards and Settlements for Our Clients

At SANFORD A. KASSEL, A Professional Law Corporation, We Get Results! With over 50 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys have taken hundreds of cases to trial or mediation. We have an extraordinarily high success rate in court and…

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Suitable Seating Under the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) – Protecting Your Employee Rights

The Private Attorneys General Act, or PAGA, was designed by state legislators offering financial incentives to individuals seeking to enforce state labor laws. When SB 796 passed in 2003, the State of California did not have sufficient resources to keep…

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Effect of U.S. Fifth Circuit Court Stay on OSHA’s Vaccine and Testing For business with 100 Employees or More

Effect of U.S. Fifth Circuit Court Stay on OSHA's Vaccine and Testing For business with 100 Employees or More

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, known as OSHA, issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spread in the workplace. The ETS requires employers with 100 employees or more to establish a vaccination policy. The…

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Is employer or employee liable for COVID testing costs under a new vaccine policy?

Is employer or employee liable for COVID testing costs under a new vaccine policy?

Many employers are starting to require their workers to get vaccinated against the novel coronavirus (Sars CoV2), more commonly known as Covid-19. As of now, the alternative appears to be subjecting employees to Covid-19 testing on an ongoing basis. Weekly…

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Workplace Requests for Medical or Religious Exemptions for COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates

Workplace Requests for Medical or Religious Exemptions for COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates

There are two legally recognized exemptions from mandatory COVID-19 vaccine requirements. These exemptions include disability-related reasons and sincerely held religious beliefs. If your employer requires the COVID-19 vaccine for employees returning to the office, continue reading to learn about how…

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Can I be fired for my Political Activities outside of work?

Can I be fired for my Political Activities outside of work?

Employment terminated based on an employee’s political affiliations, or activities could constitute discrimination and a wrongful action, violating California’s labor laws. The rise of social media has brought employee’s actions that take outside of the workplace into their place of…

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You Don’t Have to Stand For it Anymore: The Right to “Suitable Seating” for California Employees.

Are you the greeter for Walmart, or a cashier at Target, Vons, Shop Rite, Walgreens, or another retail store? Perhaps you work at a theme park like Disneyland, Universal Studios, or you’re an attendant at The Hollywood Bowl. All these…

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Protections for Whistleblowers of Unsafe COVID-19 Conditions in California Workplaces

The United States is reopening, and many people are returning to work with the dilemma of COVID-19 still hovering over the nation. Employers are expected to create and preserve safe work environments that ensure public safety, as well as the…

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What You Need to Know About Wrongful Termination in California

Losing a job under any circumstances can be a stressful and traumatic experience. When the termination was unlawful or occurred under unfair circumstances, such as a consequence of retaliation, harassment, or discrimination, the termination can be considered particularly egregious. Laying…

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Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act Forbids Companies From Discriminating Against Pregnant Women

“It is wrong for any employer no matter how large or small to discriminate against pregnant employees,” said Gavin Kassel, an employment lawyer who represented four of the women in these pregnancy cases against Amazon. (CNET Article May 6, 2019)…

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How to Determine if You Have a Wrongful Termination Case in the State of California

If you have recently been let go of your employment and have reason to believe that you have a wrongful termination claim, you may have the opportunity to collect restitution for the loss of wages and benefits. Workers who have…

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What to do if you are being harassed by your employer, or you work in a hostile environment.

Employee being harassed at work

San Bernardino Constructive Termination Lawyers, Assisting Southern California Employees Who Have Been Wrongfully Forced to Quit Their Jobs If your work environment is hostile; if your employer or co-workers are harassing you; or, if you have already quit your job…

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Information to Help You with a Wrongful Termination Claim

Wrongful Termination Image

Wrongful Termination cases are very complex and often extremely involved. Being unemployed is a very stressful and confusing time. There are many factors to consider when making a claim for a Wrongful Termination. These types of difficult situations are best handled…

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Insights on Wrongful Termination, presented by Attorney Gavin Kassel

The following insights on Wrongful Termination have been prepared by Attorney Gavin Kassel, to provide helpful answers to some of the more Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Wrongful Termination. Question 1. Can you highlight some red flags that employees should…

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Different Ways to Identify Age Discrimination in the Workplace

SANFORD A. KASSEL, A Professional Law Corporation | San Bernardino Employment Law Attorneys | age discrimination attorneys in California

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, established in 1967, was enacted in effort of protecting workers from age-related discrimination in the workplace. Although this was a proactive step in minimizing workplace discrimination and protecting employees’ rights, age discrimination is an…

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Workplace Discrimination: How to Handle Disability Discrimination

If you have reason to believe that you are facing workplace discrimination due to a disability, it is important to take action right away. Every state has different laws that serve to protect the rights of employees. There are also…

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Employment Law: Facing Race Discrimination in the Workplace 

The State of California does not take race discrimination in the workplace lightly. If you have reason to believe that you have been subject to race discrimination in the workplace, you should know that you might have the opportunity to…

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Understanding Your Rights When You are Facing Gender Discrimination in the Workplace in the State of California

In the State of California, it is against the law to discriminate against an employee based on his or her sex and/or gender. It’s also unlawful for employers to provide different wages to employees who are providing the same work.…

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Termination Papers

Do I have to sign termination papers? NO, YOU DO NOT!  In fact, one should never sign anything without closely reviewing the language contained in any document. By signing termination papers (exit interview documents), you are likely waiving and giving…

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Can You Spot Age Discrimination in the Workplace?

Age Discrimination - AARP Quiz - iStock

Losing a job can be difficult for anyone, but it often provides special challenges for older workers. Individuals over 55 are likely to face long job hunt times in a tough economy. The ranks of older workers among the long-term unemployed…

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Website Accessibility For Disabled Persons

    W3C Celebrates 20th Anniversary: This month, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) turns 20. On October 29th, global strategists, business leaders and developers will join the consortium to discuss “The Future of the Web” at an anniversary symposium in…

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