Tag: employment law
CALIFORNIA LAW: Right to Discuss Pay, Bans on Salary History, and Pay Equity
Enforcement of Non-Disclosure Agreements in California
What Quid Pro Quo Harassment looks like in the workplace
What Does the Fifth Circuit’s Vaccine Mandate Decision Mean for Federal Employees
Interviewing for an Independent Contractor Position in San Bernadino? Here’s what you need to know
Change in Job Duties May be Wrongful Discrimination
California Employment Protections for Remote Workers
Suitable Seating Under the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) – Protecting Your Employee Rights
What the Supreme Court’s Decisions Mean for Biden’s OSHA Rules
Effect of U.S. Fifth Circuit Court Stay on OSHA’s Vaccine and Testing For business with 100 Employees or More
When Can an Employer Check Your Credit?
Your Right to Take a Break at Work in California
Invasion of Privacy in the Workplace
Is employer or employee liable for COVID testing costs under a new vaccine policy?
Constructive Termination: What to Do When Placed on Unpaid Leave?
Workplace Requests for Medical or Religious Exemptions for COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates

There are two legally recognized exemptions from mandatory COVID-19 vaccine requirements. These exemptions include disability-related reasons and sincerely held religious beliefs. If your employer requires the COVID-19 vaccine for employees returning to the office, continue reading to learn about how…